Microwave synthesizer – CEM Discover SP

Microwave synthesizer – CEM Discover SP (2 units)
Location: Chemical Lab
Responsible: Ana Pimentel
Microwave technology has become a common tool for chemical synthesis both in academia and industry. Compared to conventional means of synthesis, the advantages of heating with a microwave include: Faster reaction times; improved purity; greater yields; better reproducibility; enhanced reaction control.

CEM Discover SP specification:
HEATING RATE: 2 – 6 °C/second
TEMPERATURE: 30 – 300 °C Volume-independent infrared (IR) temperature measurement
Fiber optic (FO) temperature measurement
PRESSURE: 0 – 30 bar (0 – 435 psi)
ActiVent™ technology for safe and automated vessel vent and reseal
OPERATING VOLUME: 0.2 – 25 mL (standard pressurized)
5 – 50 mL (80-mL pressurized)
0.2 – 75 mL (atmospheric)
POWER: 0 – 300 W
REACTION AGITATION: Electromagnetic stirring with adjustable speeds (Teflon® coated stir bars are suitable)
SYSTEM CONTROL: Synergy™ software and/or on-board key pad
ACCESSORIES: Fiber Optic (in situ temperature measurement)
80-mL scale-up vessel (15 - 50 mL working volume)