Ana Cláudia Madeira Botas Gomes Pimentel

Principal Researcher
Materials for Electronics, Optoelectronics and Nanotechnologies
1 - Nanova 2.0.4 CEMOP


Ana Pimentel completed her PhD in Nanotechnologies and Nanscience in 2011 from the NOVA School of Science and Technology. In 2012, she started a position as Post-doctoral researcher at CENIMAT/I3N, on the synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles to be used in different areas of applications, like UV and biosensors, photocatalysis, electrochromic devices. Between 2019 and 2023, she worked as an assistant researcher (CEEC 2017), with a focus on the solution-based synthesis of metal and metal oxides nanostructures. Currently, she is working as a principal researcher with a focus on Scanning-transmission electron microscopy analyses. She is the co-author of 77 peer-reviewed papers, 2 books and 4 book chapters in her researcher field, reaching an accumulated h-index of 32 in ResearcherID and Scopus, and 34 in Google Scholar, and a growing number of citations over the last 5 years (> 2200 citations, Google Scholar). Her current research focuses are: Materials research using STEM and SEM; Hydrothermal synthesis assisted by microwave radiation; Spin-coating of thin films; metal oxides nanostructures grown on cellulosic and cork substrates; UV and biosensors; photocatalysis; antibacterial activity; and electrochromic applications.


Fully solution-based AgNW/AlOx nanocomposites for stable transparent heaters, D. Papanastsiou, E. Carlos, D. Rojas, C. Jiménez, A. Pimentel, E. Fortunato, R. Martins, D. Bellet; ACS Applied Electronics Materials 4(12) (2022) 5816-5824,

Otical studies in Red/NIR persistent luminescent Cr-doped Zinc Gallogermanate (ZGGO:Cr), M. Batista; J. Rodrigues, M. Relvas, J. Zanoni, A. Virão, A. Pimentel, F.M. Costa, S.O. Pereira, T. Monteiro; Applied Sciences 12(4) (2022) 2104,

Visible photoluminescent zinc oxide nanorods for label-free nonenzymatic glucose detection, M. Morais, A. C. Marques, S. H. Ferreira, T. Pinheiro, A. Pimentel, P. Macedo, R. Martins, E. Fortunato; ACS Applied Nano Materials 5(3) (2022) 4386-4396,

Ultrafast microwave synthesis of WO3 nanostructured films for solar photocatalysis; D. Nunes, A. R. Fragoso, T. Freire, M. Matias, A. C. Marques, R. Martins, E. Fortunato, A. Pimentel, Physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 15 (2021) 2100196 (Invited paper- PSS 60th anniversary),

Hybrid (Ag) ZnO/Cs/PMMA nanocomposite thin films; G.P. Viorica, V. Musat, A. Pimentel, T.R. Calmeiro, E. Carlos, L. Baroiu, R. Martins E. Fortunato; Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2019) 803, 922-933;, IF = 4.65, 10 citations
