X-Ray Diffraction Laboratory

Responsible: F. M. Braz Fernandes

Description: The Laboratory of X-Ray Diffraction has two units: one based on a 3kW generator (2kW sealed tubes of Cu, Cr and Mo) and another one based on an 18 kW rotating anode (Cu) where it is possible to perform:
• Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the crystalline phases present (ICDD 2001 database);
• Residual stress analysis;
• High / low temperature (from -180ºC to 450ºC and from room temperature to 1200ºC under vacuum or inert atmosphere) in situ diffraction;
• Determination of preferential orientations (pole figures), including a heating plate (up to 200ºC);
• Structural analysis of thin films (nanocrystalline and microcrystalline).