
FIBR3D: Processos híbridos baseados em Fabrico Aditivo de compósitos de matriz termoplástica reforçados com fibras longas ou contínuas
Referência POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016414
Código do Projeto: 016414 | Código da Operação:03/SAICT/2015
Investimento total elegível: 2.499.199,68€
Apoio financeiro da União Europeia através do FEDER: 1.785.158,16€
Período de execução: 01-06-2016 a 31-08-2020



Project PTDC/CTM/66380/2006 "Smart Composites"
Funded by FCT/MCTES from 2008
Head researcher: F.M. Braz Fernandes
The project’s objective is the implementation of processing and characterization techniques for shape-memory alloy (SMA) reinforced composites (polymer-, bitumen- and metal-based matrices), whose shape, elastic properties, internal stress states and natural vibration frequencies can be modified, either in active or passive modes, in order to adapt to different engineering applications.



Project PTDC/EIA-EIA/102579/2008 "Problem Solving Environment for Materials Structural Characterization via Tomography"
Funded by FCT/MCTES from 2010
CENIMAT participation coordinator: A. Velhinho
This project aims to design and implement an advanced problem solving environment (hereafter referred as PSE) suitable for researchers in the area of Materials Science. In particular, it will target the processing of tomographic data acquired from samples of composite materials. This PSE is particularly designed to be run in desktop computers and to take advantage both of general purpose multi-core processors and General Purpose Graphical Processing Units (GPGPU).


Project PTDC/EME-TME/103543/2008, "FRISURF – Technology developments of Friction stir processing to produce functionally graded materials and improve surfaces for advanced engineering applications"
FCT/MCTES from 2010
CENIMAT participation coordinator: A. Velhinho
The present study envisages exploiting the technology in different routes as:
- understanding the effect of the tool in FSP for both surface and in-volume processing. The existing knowledge addresses mostly Friction Stir Welding, though previous works showed that the tool dimensions and geometry are determinant of the process quality;
- developing strategies for surface modification in order to improve high-strain rate superplasticity and other properties such as formability, fatigue and wear;
- exploiting manufacturing of functionally graded materials as an alternative technique to powder metallurgy.


Project PTDC/CTM/102141/2008 "Novel low temperature sinterable glasses and glass/nanoceramic particles composites"
FCT/MCTES from 2010
Head researcher: Regina Monteiro


Project ERA-MNT/0001/2010- SENSGLASS "Innovative optical microsensors based on rare-earth doped phosphate glass"
FCT/MCTES from 2011
CENIMAT participation coordinator: Regina Monteiro


Project PTDC/EME-TME/100990/2008 " Joining micro to small scale systems in shape memory alloys using last generation infrared lasers" (MICROBOND)
FCT/MCTES from 2010
CENIMAT participation coordinator: F.M. Braz Fernandes


Project PTDC/HIS-ARQ/110442/2008 "Early Metallurgy in the Portuguese Territory" (EARLYMETAL)
FCT/MCTES from 2010
CENIMAT participation coordinator: Rui Silva


Project PTDC/EME-PME/122795/2010 NiTi-Fail "Assessment of fracture risk of Ni-Ti endodontic files during clinical use"
FCT/MCTES from 2012
CENIMAT participation coordinator: F.M. Braz Fernandes


Project I-20100250 EC "Texture characterization of laser welded NiTi shape memory alloys (PETRA-III, HEMS)"
From 2011
Head researcher: F.M. Braz Fernandes


Project CH-3421"The binding state of rhenium in its natural carrier, Molybdenite: a XANES study through the L-edges"
From 2011
CENIMAT participation coordinator: Maria Ondina Figueiredo


Project I-20110225 EC "In-situ study of homogenization thermomechanical treatment of Ni-Ti shape memory alloys produced by powder metallurgy (PETRA-III, HEMS)"
From 2011
Head researcher: F.M. Braz Fernandes


Project I-20110136 EC "In-situ study of thermomechanical cycling in shape memory alloys (PETRA-III, HEMS)"
From 2011
Head researcher: F.M. Braz Fernandes


Project MA-1637 "In-situ phase evolution of sputtered reactive multilayers"
From 2012
Head researcher: F.M. Braz Fernandes


Project I-20120017 EC "In-situ reaction-assisted diffusion bonding using layered thin films/foils"
From 2012
CENIMAT participation coordinator: F.M. Braz Fernandes


Project I-20120244 EC "NiTi endodontic files - in situ study during flexion"
From 2012
Head researcher: F.M. Braz Fernandes